Geekbench benchmark: "La Frite" vs "Le Potato"
You can find the full benchmark results here.
A few notes:
- The SoC's in the "La Frite" and the "Le Potato" use exactly the same chip die, but the S805X has a reduced number of pads compared to the S905X and is downclocked from 1.51GHZ to 1.2GHz maximum clock.
- The "Le Potato" has 2GB RAM. The "La Frite" has 1GB RAM. The S805X in the "La Frite" is also limited to a 16-bit RAM bus, whereas the S905X in the "Le Potato" uses a 32-bit RAM bus (with higher bandwidth).
- Both the "La Frite" and the "Le Potato" were tested with Android 8.0 (Oreo).